Reminding myself to be a better me….

Archive for May, 2019


I haven’t written a blog post in years but a good friend recently started blogging and so I thought I’d do the same thing. I think that sharing your feelings can aid in your personal journey and lead you towards personal growth. At least that’s what I’m telling myself.

Anybody who knows anything about me knows that 2 1/2 years ago my grandson was abused by his father and my daughter became a single mother. At that time I gave up my career, my social life, and my home and uprooted myself to move close to my husband’s job since I could no longer work. Suddenly I had nothing in my life but babysitting. I became very depressed. I sought counseling, I talked to friends, I leaned on my husband and youngest daughter but nothing helped.

This January my youngest daughter, Haley, suggested we try bullet journaling. So we got our journals and our washi tape and started creating. That opened up a part of my brain that had never been opened before and it brought such fun possibilities. In the last three months I have begun making handmade cards which I send out to friends and loved ones, and hopefully I can sell them one day. But it’s something I do just for me. It doesn’t have anything to do with being grandma or mother or wife. It’s just for me and I love it. It brings me great joy and my husband has been so supportive because he can see that it makes me happy. As you can see in the pictures below I get to play with paper and ink and paint and so much more. It’s relaxing to me and it allows me to show kindness to other people. I think I found my thing!